Sunday, January 4, 2015

Currently January

I'm in full denial that it is the day before school starts back! Winter break was just way too good to me and I am definitely wishing that it was longer! I didn't do a single thing for school during the break which was great in one sense but, now I am sort of in panic mode to get it all done! Thankfully we have a workday on Monday! Hopefully I will be productive and get everything prepared!
Well anyway, The beginning of a new month means that it is time for a Currently January Link Up with Farley.

 It is absolutely quiet in our house. The Mister is working on planning his personal training sessions for the week and I am working on this, of course. It is so peaceful and I am loving it!
 Geez, I know. So cheesy to put my husband for what I am loving but he is straight up amazing. He's been my work out partner during winter break which is a big task in itself! He sacrifices so much to make me a happy lady and I am so grateful! Definitely the kind of husband that a little girl dreams about and prays for!
I am helping host the North Carolina Teacher Blogger Meet Up with several other NC teachers and I am just so excited! I know it is going to be a blast meeting other teachers from the Tar Heel State!
So thankful to be a little part of the meet up!
 Although winter break was just so wonderful, I would just love a few more days of winter break! My bedtime has been all thrown off because of New Years and I can't seem to get it back in check. For example, I was up until 2 am last night. I just might die tomorrow when I have to wake up early and go to work!
 A work day for tomorrow means that I will be lesson planning all day! I am trying to revamp a few of my centers so I will hopefully get all of that done tomorrow!  "I will be productive. I will be productive. I will be productive." Maybe if I keep saying it, it will become a reality. I'll let you know! :)
My husband and I are doing Whole30 for the month of February and a few days either in January or March. The book should come in tomorrow and I am so excited to read it!
I so envy all of you that are journal keepers. I think I might give it a shot this year. In a way, this blog serves as a journal but I am thinking about keeping a paper one for everyday use. I think it is such a great thing to be able to look back on at the end of a year or even a month to see what you were going through and how God was working!
{I wish}
Fixer Upper comes on in three days! I am so excited to watch season two. I would absolute love to be on that show! Obviously, the Mister and I are not in need of a new house since we just moved into our new house in November but by golly, I would consider it if Chip and Joanna would come and reno and decorate it for me.
Plus, I have a mini-crush on Chip. I am pretty sure that I have watched every episode of Season 1 multiple times and I still giggle at his jokes, all while my husband is sitting next to me shaking his head! HA!

Cheers to a fabulous January and New Year!

Friday, January 2, 2015

My Goals for 2015

Happy New Years Y'all! There is something so wonderful about the clean slate and fresh start that a New Year brings! I used to never be a goal person but, my husband totally is so he has turned me into being totally more of a goal person. I'm linking up with Erica to share my New Year's Goals in hope that if I post my goals, I will reach them!

I want to give my absolute best in the classroom this year! Sometimes I get comfortable and end up just doing the same thing that I did last year. I want to get out of that habit and try new things in the classroom, even if that means I need to spend more time prepping things and staying late at school. I think that also means that I just need to become better at time management.
I have got to get working on my TPT store. Right now, I just have several freebies up but I want to finish up some products that I have created and post them for sale. I would love to have my store up and running smoothly by the end of 2015.  
I also would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to go to Vegas this summer for the TPT and I Teach K conference! The Mister has even talked about making a big trip of it. We will see!
 Oh Gosh. Financial Goals. How I need these. I need to become a better saver {period}. When I was in college, I was so good at saving money but, especially now that we have a house, I just want to spend all the money on things for the house! So I guess I really just want to become better at spending money on things that are "wants" and not "needs."
It's real, y'all. I am going to do the Whole 30. I am not doing it in January because really, I am not prepared. I haven't read the book yet and I want to do some serious recipe searching and meal planning but I have committed to do it for the month of February. Whole 30 is 30 days of no sugar, dairy, grains, beans, and alcohol. If you know me at all personally, I am a sugar addict. FOR REAL. I have never dieted or eliminated any foods from my diet so jumping in and doing Whole 30 is quite scary but the Mister said he will do it with me so I am excited for the challenge. Let me know if you are doing it too and we can team up!
Before Christmas, the Mister and I joined a gym. We have been members of a gym before but I have never been fully interested in working out. That poses a problem when your husband is a personal trainer, huh?! Well the Mister is seriously the best for dealing with me. I feel like I am doing better at wanting to go to the gym since I am committed to making the gym a part of my routine.  
Confession: I have never liked running. LIKE EVER. My least favorite part of PE in school was doing the mile run. It was the WORST. However, I am determined to become a better runner and have already reached a mini goal of running a mile straight without stopping. For me, that is big and I am going to keep on going!
For my personal goals, I want to spend more meaningful time with my husband, family, and friends. The older I get, the more that time means to me! I want to be all in to diving deeper in my relationships.
I told the Mister the other day that I want to become better at praising God immediately for all he is doing in my life. I often jump to conclusions and think that my success comes from my hard work but in reality, I know that it is solely because of the Savior working through me. I want to become more aware of that and be quick to give him glory for everything because without him, I am nothing! So thankful that his mercies are new each morning!  
I hope that 2015 is the best year yet for all of us!